(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][ed][jc][qi][oi][po][qn][pm][fp][cq][cl] AB[lc][oc][qd][qg][qo][qp][pq][nq][cj][ce][dg] LB[je:A] TR[fp] C[Problem 69. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone, but playing at A would have been better What should Black do ? ] ;B[gc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the point to invade. ] ;W[fc] C[White has to defend her corner with 2. ] ;B[gd] C[After Black 3, ... ] ;W[ef] C[... White defends with 4, but this move has little effect on the black stones on the left. ] ;B[je] C[Black now caps with 5. ] ;W[kd] C[If White runs away with 6, ... ] ;B[lf] C[... Black traps the white stone with 7. ] ;W[mc] C[White 8 is a tesuji-like move, but, ... ] (;B[mb] C[if Black calmly links up underneath with 9, ... ] ;W[ld];B[kb] C[... then defends with 11, White's stones are still trapped. <= ] ) (;B[md] LB[mc:8] C[Failure. If Black aggressively counters White 8 by blocking on the outside with 9, ... ] ;W[ld];B[mb];W[me];B[nc];W[kf] LB[nc:13] C[... White 14 becomes an effective tesuji after Black captures with 13. Black can't keep White confined. <= ] ) )