(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][dn][qc][rd][ob][qf][pf][pg][ph][ng][qi][qj][oj] AB[fp][mq][pp][ql][kc][pd][nd][qe][re][rf][qg][qh][oi][pi] C[Problem 68. Black to play. How should Black attack the white stones on the right ? ] (;B[nj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 ... ] ;W[pj] C[... forces White to connect at 2. ] ;B[mi] LB[ol:A][lg:B] C[Black then plays 3 and the points A and B are miai. Whichever way White plays, she will lose some stones. <= ] ) (;B[ni] C[Correct Answer. Extending to Black 1 is the standard way to attack. ] ;W[pj] C[After White defends with 2, ... ] ;B[ol] C[... Black jumps to 3. Again, White is split into two groups; if she tries to save the one on the right side, her group above will die. <= ] ) (;B[mi] C[Failure. Black 1 is bad. ] ;W[pl] C[White can now exchange 2 ... ] ;B[qm] C[... for 3, ... ] ;W[ni] C[... then wedge in at 4. ] (;B[nj] C[If Black ataris with 5, ... ] ;W[nh] C[... White extends to 6, and, ... ] ;B[pj];W[ok] C[... after White 8, the three black stones are trapped. <= ] ) (;B[nh] C[Black might atari from above with 5. ] ;W[nj];B[oh] C[After Black connects at 7, ... ] ;W[oe] C[... White peeps at 8, ... ] ;B[od];W[mh] C[... then blocks with 10 and ... ] ;B[mg];W[lh];B[og];W[nf] C[... the black stones are trapped. <= ] )) )