(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][pf][of][nf][pi][qi][rn][pn][po][pp][op][oq][nq][os][ms][jr][jq][jp][jo][im][cp][dp][ci][bc][cd][dd][dc][df][no][mn] AB[bb][cb][cc][db][fc][jd][nd][pd][qe][og][oi][oj][qj][qk][rm][cn][ck][kn][ko][kq][lp][mp][mq][np][mo][oo][on][om][pq][qq][rp][ro] C[Problem 67. White to play. What should White do in this position ? ] ;W[en] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 attacks the two black stones on the left, while mapping out a moyo at the bottom left. ] ;B[ek];W[hc] C[White next probes at 3, ... ] ;B[jc];W[ng] C[... then reinforcing her stones on the right with 5. ] ;B[rf];W[rg];B[re];W[dl] C[Endgame. Later, White can play a big endgame sequence with 9 ... ] ;B[dk];W[bm] C[... and 11. <= ] ) )