(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dc][gc][di][fi][pq][mq][pk] AB[ce][fe][dm][dp][qo][no][pd][pg] TR[cd] C[Problem 66. Black to play. White has attached with the marked stone, hoping to put the two black stones under siege. How should Black counterattack ? ] (;B[ed] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play the forcing moves of 1 ... ] ;W[ec];B[bd];W[bc];B[he] C[... to 5. ] ;W[id] C[After White 6, ... ] ;B[hi] C[... Black caps with 7 and the two white stones on the left side are under attack. <= ] ) (;B[de] C[Failure. Answering the attachment of the marked stone by standing at 1 here leaves the black stones heavy. ] ;W[ed] C[White peeps with 2 and ... ] ;B[ee];W[hd];B[hg];W[hi];B[he];W[jd] C[... the black stones are under attack after White 8. <= ] ) )