(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cf][dj][dp][cp][gq][qn][qk][ok] AB[kq][qp][op][oi][qi][pd][nc][id][fc] TR[ok] C[Problem 65. Black to play. White has just jumped into the center with the marked stone. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[on] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should jump to 1. ] ;W[mk];B[mi];W[kk] LB[mk:2] C[This drives White into the center with 2 and 4, but ... ] ;B[ki] LB[rm:C][pk:B][pl:A][mi:3] C[... Black can follow with 3 and 5 to map out a huge moyo in the upper right sector of the board. Later, Black can take some territory on the right side with the sequence Black A, White B, Black C. <= ] ) (;B[mj] C[Failure. Attacking with the knight's move of 1 is in the wrong direction. ] ;W[on] C[White secures her stones with 2 and Black no longer has a vulnerable target. In the Correct Answer, Black naturally builds a moyo, while keeping White under pressure. White 2 also weakens the black stones below. <= ] ) )