(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cd][ce][fc][kc][nc][pb][qj][pl][qn][rp][dp][cq][cn] AB[pd][qc][qf][qq][pp][np][cl][dj][cf][df][de][iq][fq][dr] TR[pl] C[Problem 63. Black to play. White has just defended her position on the lower right side. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[cr] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Most of White's stones are secure, but, if Black crawls to 1, he threatens White's three stones in the lower left corner. Next ... ] (;W[fp] C[... White attaches at 2 and ... ] ;B[gp];W[fo];B[go];W[fm];B[gn];W[fn] C[... secures her stones with the sequence to 7. White has gained no territory, but, ... ] ;B[hl] C[... when Black plays 8, a large moyo at the bottom is starting to take shape. <= ] ) (;W[br] C[Failure for White. White 2 here ... ] ;B[bp] C[... would be answered by Black 3, leaving White without eyes. <= ] )) (;B[ge] C[Failure. If Black jumps to 1, ... ] ;W[cr] LB[kq:A] C[... White will defend with 2. White is strong on the lower left and right, so she can now aim at the invasion of A. <= ] ) )