(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][ce][gc][mc][qg][qj][dp] AB[id][oc][pd][qe][ql][qp][oq] TR[gc] C[Problem 62. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone. How should Black attack the lone white stone at the top right ? ] (;B[ld] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The shoulder hit of Black 1 is a powerful move. ] ;W[md] C[If White tries to escape into the center with 2, ... ] ;B[me] C[... Black blocks with 3. ] ;W[ne];B[le];W[nd];B[nf] C[After Black 7, the white stones are trapped. <= ] ) (;B[og] C[Failure. If Black attacks the two white stones on the right with 1, ... ] ;W[kd] C[... White will extend to 2. Now it is Black who has to escape. ] ;B[if] C[If he jumps to 3, ... ] ;W[kf] C[... White will follow him with 4. White is becoming strong at the top, while her two stones on the right are quite resilient. <= ] ) )