(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][eq][oc][qp][pq][np][nm][pl] AB[cp][pc][qd][od][ld][on][po][qo] TR[nm] C[Problem 60. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone, trying to trap the three black stones. How can Black escape and turn the tables on White, putting her under attack instead ? ] (;B[mo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The knight's move of Black 1 is the key move. It attacks White's position at the bottom, so White must defend. Next ... ] (;W[mp];B[lo];W[lp];B[ko];W[jq] C[... White secures the territory at the bottom with the sequence to 6. ] ;B[pi] C[Black has sente, so he can turn his attention to the right side and attack White's two stones there with 6. Black's moyo on the right side is bigger than White's territory at the bottom, so this is a good result for Black. <= ] ) (;W[no] C[Variation. If White plays 2 here, ... ] ;B[nn] C[... Black can break through White's net with the sequence Black 3, ... ] ;W[mn] C[... White 4, ... ] ;B[om] C[... Black 5. <= ] )) (;B[nn] C[Failure. Pushing from behind with Black 1 ... ] ;W[mm];B[mn];W[lm];B[ln] C[... to 5 is bad style. ] ;W[lp] C[White defends the bottom with 6 and Black's stones are heavy and will have a hard time securing themselves. <= ] ) )