(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ed][dg][dp][oq][ra][rb][qc][pc][oc][nc][pd][mb][na][oe][nf][pf][pg] AB[cd][hd][po][qp][lb][mc][md][nd][od][pe][qe][qd][qf][rc][sb][sd][rh] TR[ra] C[Problem 59. Black to play. White has just secured the corner with the marked stone. What should Black do now ? ] (;B[pi] TR[nf][oe][pf][pg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attacking the marked stones with Black 1 is severe. With this move, Black maps out territory on the right side. ] ;W[lf] C[White must escape with 2, but ... ] ;B[kd] C[... this induces Black to fix up his shape on the top with 3. White's stones are still without a base. <= ] ) (;B[lf] C[Failure. Black 1 is the wrong direction. ] ;W[pi] C[White forces Black ... ] ;B[qj];W[pj];B[qk];W[pk];B[ql] C[... to crawl along the third line up to 7. ] ;W[li] C[She then jumps to 8 in good style. Black's position at the top is still defective. <= ] ) )