(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[gc][hc][fd][ed][dd][cd][be][oc][pd][qj][dj][el] AB[bd][bc][cc][dc][ec][fc][jc][mc][pp][cp][eq][cl] C[Problem 58. White to play. How should White attack the two black stones at the top ? ] ;W[me] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should cap with 1, then, ... ] ;B[je] C[... after Black jumps to 2, ... ] ;W[kd] C[... peep with 3. ] ;B[kc] (;W[jd] C[White can cut through with 5 ... ] ;B[id];W[ic] C[... and 7. ] ;B[ld] C[If Black breaks through into the center with 8, ... ] ;W[ke];B[le];W[kf];B[lf] LB[le:10] C[... 10, and 12, ... ] ;W[kg] C[... White gets a large moyo when she extends to 13. <= ] ) (;W[he] C[Failure. If White jumps to 5, ... ] ;B[ld] C[... Black will reinforce with 6. <= ] ) )