(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cf][kc][qc][qd][qf][rf][kq][dp][cq][fq] AB[fc][id][pc][pd][pe][og][qh][pp][bp][cn][ck] TR[kc] C[Problem 57. Black to play. White has just invaded with the marked stone. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Denying your opponent's stones a base makes attacking easy. Black 1 here ... ] (;W[ke] C[... forces White to escape with 2, so ... ] ;B[jf] C[... Black can continue the chase with 3. ] ;W[ne] C[White 4 ... ] ;B[pf] C[... forces Black to defend with 5, but, ... ] ;W[lg] C[... after White 6, ... ] ;B[li] C[... Black caps with 7 and White's stones are under siege. See Problem 134 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;W[kd] C[Variation. White 2 leaves the white stones heavy. With Black's wall on the right, White has no room to develop her stones. ] ;B[jf] C[The knight's move of Black 3 is now a strong attack. ] ;W[kf];B[kg];W[lf] LB[lg:A] C[White 6 at A is also possible. For this variation, see Problem 133. ] ;B[lg];W[ne];B[pf];W[mg];B[mh];W[ng];B[nh];W[nc];B[ob] LB[lp:B][qb:A] C[After the sequence to Black 15, the white stones on the top are under attack and Black is threatening the white corner with a hane at A, In addition, Black has made a wall on the outside from which he can now map out a huge moyo with a shoulder hit at B. <= ] )) (;B[ke] C[Failure. The cap of Black 1 is ineffective. ] ;W[ib] C[White slides to 2 and ... ] ;B[hc];W[hb];B[gb];W[gd];B[gc];W[mc] C[... easily lives at the top with the sequence to 8. <= ] ) )