(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][eb][gc][hc][dc][de][ce][qf][of][mf][qi][or][nr][nq][mp][jp][ip][hq][fo][di][fm][dn][cp][dq][eq] AB[ec][ed][ee][gd][hd][id][oc][qd][qk][ok][oi][pn][pp][pr][oq][hp][gp][fp][fq][ep][hn][hl][fk][dk] TR[mf][of][qf][qi] C[Problem 55. Black to play. How should Black attack the four marked stones in the upper right ? ] ;B[pg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer Black should peep with 1, ... ] ;W[pf];B[rh] C[... then make a placement at 3. ] (;W[od] C[White can no longer make two eyes on the right side, so she has to switch to the top and ... ] ;B[pc];W[nc];B[nb];W[mc];B[mb];W[lc] C[... play the sequence to 10, inducing Black to secure the corner. ] (;B[fi] C[Black ends in sente, so he takes the key point of 11 to reach out to his stones above and to start building a moyo in the center. <= ] ) (;B[nn] C[Failure. The aim of 11 here is to map out a moyo with ... ] ;W[fi];B[lo] C[... 13 and ... ] ;W[lp];B[jn] C[... 15, but ... ] ;W[gk] C[... White attaches at 16 and a sharp exchange ensues. ] ;B[gj];W[gl];B[fj] (;W[hk] C[White turns at 20 and Black's moyo becomes thin. <= ] ) (;W[gh] C[... White could also play 20 here attacking Black's stones at the top. ] ;B[hk] C[Black would respond at 21. <= ] ))) (;W[re] C[Variation. The placement of Black 3 is a flexible move. For example, if White exchanges 4 ... ] ;B[rd] C[... for 5, ... ] ;W[qh];B[ri] LB[qg:A][qh:6] C[... Black can crawl to 7 if White plays 6. Since White has to defend her defect at A, Black will end in sente. <= ] ) )