(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fc][kc][ld][nc][pb][jl][io][ko][dp][eq][fr][cn][di][pm][qp] AB[pd][qc][pf][lf][je][pk][ll][kq][ip][hp][fp][fq][gr][op][pq][qq] TR[pm][qp] C[Problem 52. Black to play. The two marked stones are not very strong, but they still have some aji. How should Black attack them ? ] (;B[qk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 forces the white stones to escape ... ] ;W[nm] C[... with 2, but ... ] ;B[ln] C[... Black prevents them from linking up with 3 ... ] ;W[no];B[lo] C[... and 5. ] ;W[oo] C[White tries to make shape with 6, but ... ] ;B[qn] C[... Black 7 leaves White's stones eyeless within Black's sphere of influence. <= ] ) (;B[nl] C[Failure. Black 1 looks like a strong move, which builds a moyo in the center, but ... ] ;W[qk] C[... this gives White the chance to attach with 2. ] ;B[qj] C[If Black 3, ... ] ;W[rj] C[... White hanes with 4 and she will easily be able to make sabaki. <= ] ) )