(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][hc][pb][oc][pd][pe][of][qo][qm][eq][fp][jq][mq] AB[kc][qb][qc][qd][qe][qg][pc][pq][op][pn][cj][cp][do] C[Problem 51. Black to play. The middle game has begun. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[nc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black expands his position with 1 ... ] ;W[ob];B[nd] C[... and 3, leaving White's stones heavy. ] ;W[od];B[lf] C[He then makes shape with 5, ... ] ;W[oh] C[... forcing White to escape with 6. ] ;B[qp] C[Next, Black attaches with 7. White's stones are now unsettled, while Black's are secure. <= ] ) (;B[qp] C[Failure. If Black immediately attaches with 1, ... ] ;W[mc] C[... White can make shape by taking the vital point of 2. The black stone at the top is now isolated and weak. <= ] ) )