(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][cd][de][dg][ch][fc][hc][ge][he][ie][je][jd][hg][ih][md][od][pc][qd][rd][rc][oc] AB[cb][dc][eb][ed][ee][ef][gf][fh][dp][pp][pd][id][ic][jc][kd][ke][jf][kg][le][lf][qc][pe][dk][qb][qe] LB[rc:A][qb:B][oc:C][qe:D][rd:E] C[Problem 50. Black to play. After the sequence to White E, how should Black attack the white stones at the top center ? ] ;B[ij] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must cap at 1. ] (;W[hi] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[gh] LB[ig:A] C[... Black 3 threatens to cut off the white stones at the top with A, ... ] ;W[ig] C[... so White must defend there. ] ;B[gk] C[Black 5 now blocks White's escape route. <= ] ) (;W[hj] C[Variation. Attaching with 2 is White's best chance to create complications, but ... ] ;B[hi];W[ii];B[hh];W[ig] (;B[ik];W[gg];B[ei] C[... Black secures his stones with 9. White must escape. ] ;W[kh] C[If she attaches with 10, ... ] ;B[oe] C[... Black plays the sente move of 11 ... ] ;W[rb];B[lh] C[... and attacks with 13 ... ] ;W[ki];B[mj] C[... and 15 Black will build a moyo while White escapes. <= ] ) (;B[ki] C[Jumping to Black 7 is also a strong move. ] ;W[gg];B[ei];W[jj];B[ik];W[ji];B[oe] C[Here too, Black exchanges 13 ... ] ;W[rb] C[... for 14, ... ] ;B[lj] LB[ij:1] C[... then starts to map out his moyo with 15, while keeping the white stones under attack. See Problem 135 for another response to the cap of Black 1. <= ] )) )