(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fd][kc][nc][pb][ph][qm][qp][oq] AB[qc][pd][pf][qk][ok][dp][dj][cf] TR[ph] C[Problem 49. Black to play. The marked white stone has a lot of room to maneuver. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[oi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The shoulder hit of Black 1 is severe. ] ;W[oh] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[nh] C[... Black presses with 3 and ... ] ;W[og] C[... White has to turn at 4. ] ;B[nd] C[Black now leans on White's stones above with 5. ] (;W[ng] LB[nd:5] C[White might want to ignore Black 5 and turn at 6. ] ;B[mc] C[Black would the play 7 ... ] (;W[mb];B[md];W[nb] C[If White defends upon to 10, ... ] ;B[mg];W[mh];B[ni];W[mf];B[lg];W[nf];B[lf] C[... Black traps White's stones on the right with the sequence to 17. <= ] ) (;W[lg];B[md] C[... and 9, taking a large profit at the top. Black is satisfied with this result. <= ] )) (;W[md] C[If White defends the top with 6, ... ] ;B[me] C[... Black keeps up the pressure with 7. ] (;W[ld] C[After White 8, ... ] ;B[ng] C[... Black turns at 9 and the white stones on the right are trapped. <= ] ) (;W[ne] C[If White plays at 8 here, ... ] ;B[nf] C[... Black ataris at 9 here. The white stones on the right are trapped. ] ))) (;B[nh] C[Failure. Capping with Black 1 doesn't work ... ] ;W[pj] C[... because White will peep with 2. ] ;B[pk];W[ni];B[oi];W[oh];B[mi];W[ng];B[nj];W[of] C[White now extricates her stones with the sequence to 10. White's stones are safe, but the three black stones in the upper right corner are in trouble. <= ] ) (;B[ng] C[Failure. Attacking from above with Black 1 ... ] ;W[nh];B[mh] C[... and 3 is out of the question. ] ;W[ni];B[mg];W[mi];B[li];W[lj];B[ki];W[mk] TR[qk][ok] C[After White 10, the two marked stones are isolated and without a base. <= ] ) )