(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ec][df][ff][gf][ge][jc][jd][kf][nc][og][oh][ph][po][qp][qq][rr][cp][dp][ep][eq][fp][fo][dj] AB[fd][fc][hd][id][hf][if][gg][ih][pd][pf][nh][oi][pj][pm][qr][pq][nq][mq][lq][kp][jp][ip][hn][gp][fq][gq][er][dq][cq] LB[ph:A][oi:B][oh:C][nh:D][og:E] C[Problem 48. Black to play. White has just turned with E. How should Black continue the attack ? ] ;B[nd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 leans on the white stone at the top, simultaneously attacking the three stones below. This move enables Black to get the advantage either at the top or to put a stone in wait for trapping the three white stones below. ] (;W[ng] C[If White turns at 2, ... ] ;B[mc] C[... Black quells the white stone at the top with 3. White's stones in the upper right part of the board are still without a base. <= ] ) (;W[md] C[White might resist with 2, ... ] ;B[ne];W[ng] C[... then play 4 ... ] ;B[me] (;W[mg] C[... and 6, but ... ] ;B[mc] C[... Black again secures his position at the top with 7. <= ] ) (;W[mc] C[If White secures the top with 6, ... ] ;B[mg] C[... Black traps the white stones on the right ... ] ;W[mh];B[ni];W[mf];B[lg];W[nf];B[lf];W[le];B[ke];W[ld];B[lh] C[... with the sequence to 17. ] ;W[mi] C[White can't escape with 18 ... ] ;B[mj] C[... because the ladder is unfavourable. <= ] )) )