(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dc][ec][bf][kd][ld][nc][ne][ql][qn][rp][cn] AB[df][ed][fd][fc][jc][kc][lc][pd][pf][qj][qq][pp][np][dp] TR[kd][ld][nc][ne] C[Problem 46. Black to play. How should Black attack the four marked white stones ? ] (;B[lf] LB[md:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 blocks White's escape route into the center and aims at A. ] (;W[md] C[If White defends there, ... ] ;B[ng] C[... Black continues the attack with 3. <= ] ) (;W[mf] C[If White attaches with 2, ... ] ;B[md] C[... Black hanes at the vital point with 3. ] ;W[mc];B[le];W[me] LB[md:3] C[White captures the stone at 3 with 6, but ... ] ;B[je] C[... Black casts a net with 7, making a thick position facing the left. White's stones are still without eye shape. <= ] )) (;B[pb] C[Failure. Defending the corner with 1 is passive. ] ;W[kg] C[White can gingerly jump out into the center with 2. <= ] ) )