(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][ch][ci][oi][pi][qi][rk][qg][jc][ld][md][nc][oc][pb][pe][qe][re][rd] AB[cd][dd][df][dh][dp][pp][pj][oj][nj][ni][pg][nf][me][hc][he][qb][rc][pc][qd][pd][od][nd] C[Problem 44. Black to play. White's stones at the top right are struggling for life inside Black's sphere of influence. How should Black attack them ? ] (;B[lb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. This is the kind of position in which you want to gauge out the eyes of your opponent's stones. The placement of Black 1 robs the white stones of their base and threatens to cut. White's stones are trapped inside Black's sphere of influence. Next ... ] (;W[mb] C[If White defends against the cut with 2, ... ] ;B[kc] C[... Black links up with 3 ... ] ;W[kd];B[jb] C[... and 5. White is without eyes, so she must seek life in the center. <= ] ) (;W[kb] C[Variation. White 2 here is another possibility, but ... ] ;B[nb] C[... Black takes profit with 3 ... ] ;W[mb];B[ob] C[... and 5. ] ;W[mc];B[ib] C[After Black 7, White's group still doesn't have two eyes. <= ] )) (;B[ib] C[Failure. Black 1 ... ] ;W[jb];B[ob] C[... and 3 are certainly sente, but ... ] ;W[nb] C[... so is White 4, ... ] ;B[pa];W[lb] C[... so White can secure two eyes with 6. <= ] ) )