(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ce][fd][jd][nc][pl][pn][qn][dp][dn][ck] AB[pd][pf][pj][qo][pp][np][jp][fq][cf][df][ci][ei] TR[pl][pn][qn] C[Problem 43. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones in the lower right ? ] (;B[qk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is severe because it attacks White's base. ] (;W[mm] C[If White jumps out to 2, ... ] ;B[mo] LB[qq:B][nk:A] C[... Black can defend at 3 or attack at A. He need not worry about an invasion at B because White must first secure her stones in the center before she can contemplate such an invasion. <= ] ) (;W[ql] C[Variation. If White makes a base for her stones with 2, ... ] ;B[nk] C[... Black can attack at 3 ... ] ;W[mm];B[mo] C[... and 5. ] ;W[nl] C[White must exchange 6 ... ] ;B[mk] LB[lq:D][qq:C][ro:B][rm:A][ph:E] C[... for 7 to maintain the link to the outside. If White gets into trouble in the center, she can make two eyes by playing at A, but Black B would then become sente and White can no longer invade at C. If White can secure her stones, she can aim to invade at D or E, but Black's strategy will be to try and strengthen these defects while attacking the white stones. <= ] )) (;B[qj] LB[qk:@] C[A solid move. Making an iron pillar with Black 1 is a solid move. Its appeal is that it prevents a white counterattack at A or an invasion at B. However, it lacks the attacking force of Black 1 in the Correct Answer (@), and, as such, is a bit passive. <= ] ) (;B[mm] C[Failure. Attacking with Black 1 doesn't press White hard enough. ] ;W[qj] C[White can secure her stones ... ] ;B[qi];W[qk];B[pi];W[ro];B[rp];W[rn] LB[hq:C][lq:B][qq:A] C[... with the sequence to 8. Black ends in sente, but with so many weak points - at A, B, and C - he won't be able to defend all of them. <= ] ) )