(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ce][dd][fc][ch][cl][bn][co][dp][fp][iq][ql][nc][nb][pc][qc][rc] AB[cj][dl][bl][bm][cn][dn][kq][op][qp][qj][pd][qd][rd][nd][od][lc] TR[ql] C[Problem 42. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked stone ? ] (;B[ok] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The knight's move of Black 1 is a strong attacking move. ] ;W[qo] C[White makes some breathing room for her stones with 2 ... ] ;B[po];W[qn] C[... and 4, but ... ] ;B[rp] LB[po:3] C[... this just induces Black to secure the corner with 3 and 5. ] ;W[om] C[When White jumps to 6, ... ] ;B[ml] C[... Black keeps up the attack with 7, and a moyo in the top right suddenly appears that extends well into the center. The important point of this problem is that by attacking a weak white stone, Black has been able to build his moyo and make his territory at the bottom secure, while White busily tries to rescue her stones. <= ] ) (;B[qn] C[Failure. If Black plays a checking extension to 1, ... ] ;W[ol] LB[mq:A] C[... White can easily escape into the center with 2. Later, White can aim to invade at A. <= ] ) )