(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bd][dd][fc][dr][fq][iq][pp][oq][ol][ql][lc][me] AB[cf][ef][dj][dp][cq][dn][qj][oj][od][qd][jc][kd] LB[lc:A][kd:B][me:C] C[Problem 41. Black to play. How should Black continue after the sequence to White C ? ] (;B[nc] LB[ld:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should first defend the corner with 1, threatening to take the territory at the top by playing at A. ] ;W[ld] C[White defends at this point with 2. but ... ] ;B[kf] C[... Black continues the attack with 3 ... ] ;W[mg];B[lh] C[... and 5. The white stones are in trouble. <= ] ) (;B[ld] C[Failure. Cutting trough with Black 1 ... ] ;W[md];B[mc] C[... and 3 is crude. ] ;W[nc];B[mb];W[oc] LB[lb:A] C[Note that after White 6, White threatens to capture the two marked stones by playing A. ] ;B[lb] C[Black can capture one stone with 5 and 7, but ... ] ;W[pd];B[pe];W[pc] C[... Black's corner in the upper right has been destroyed. <= ] ) )