EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W L17 O17 Q4 S4 O3 K4 D4 D5 D3 E3 E2 H3 C14 C11 SETUP B C16 D16 J17 Q17 R16 Q10 R6 P6 F3 D2 C2 C3 C4 C6 MARK \t@L17 \t@O17 COM Problem 40. Black to play. Taking the entire board into account, how should Black attack the marked stones ? ENDCOM B 1 O15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a multi-purpose move. It attacks White's two stones at the top while expanding Black's moyo on the right. ENDCOM VAR B 1 L16 COM Failure. Attaching with Black 1 is overly aggressive. ENDCOM W 2 M16 B 3 L15 W 4 K17 B 5 J16 W 6 M15 B 7 M14 COM The sequence to 7 is inevitable. ENDCOM W 8 O15 MARK A@L14 B@K16 COM When White jumps to 8, her stones are secure and Black's prospects for making a large moyo an the right have been blighted. Moreover, Black must worry about the cut of White A or White pushing at B. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 K15 MARK a@L16 COM Failure. Although not as bad as Black a, Black 1 here is slack. ENDCOM W 2 N15 MARK B@Q15 A@L15 C@G17 COM White responds by jumping to 2. Black is left without a good follow-up, but White has a good move at A (which secures her stones) and she is threatening to plaster Black against the left side with B. An invasion at C is also an option for her. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L15 COM White must escape into the center with 2. ENDCOM B 3 J15 COM But Black now jumps to 3, strengthening his position in the upper left and ... ENDCOM W 4 L13 COM ... forcing White to run away with 4. ENDCOM B 5 D12 COM Black has sente, so he attacks the left side with 5 ... ENDCOM W 6 C12 B 7 D14 MARK B@N18 A@M16 1@O15 COM ... and 7. Suddenly, a black moyo appears in the upper left. White's problems are still not over: Black can take more profit later by peeping at A or making a placement at B. Black 1 follows the old Chinese go proverb: 'When you want to attack in the west, make noise in the east.' <= ENDCOM