(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][ce][gc][kd][mc][qg][qj][pk][qm][dp] AB[id][oc][qe][pd][og][oj][nl][ql][oq][qp] TR[qm] C[Problem 39. Black to play. White attaches with the marked stone in order to rescue her stones under siege. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[pl] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should push up with 1 and separate the white stones. ] (;W[ok] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[ol] C[... Black could play 3 and secure the territory on the lower right side. <= ] ) (;W[rl] C[Variation. But White could hane with 2, ... ] ;B[rk] C[... Black will block with 3 and, ... ] ;W[qk] C[... if White cuts with 4, ... ] ;B[rj] C[... Black will crawl to 5. This is quite a severe move. ] (;W[ri] C[If White 6 here, ... ] ;B[rm] C[... Black will capture a stone by playing at 7. <= ] ) (;W[rm] C[If White connects at 6, ... ] ;B[qi] C[... Black plays 7. Either way, White's position has collapsed. <= ] ))) (;B[rm] C[Failure. If Black hanes at 1, ... ] ;W[pl];B[qn];W[pm];B[rk];W[pn];B[po];W[nn] C[... White will escape into the center with the sequence to 8. <= ] ) )