(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][nd][mf][lf][cf][dj][cn][qn][rp] AB[dd][fd][jd][pd][oc][pf][nf][mg][dp][fp][pp][nq] C[Problem 37. Black to play. White's stones at the top are heavy. How should Black attack them ? ] (;B[ld] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1, threatening to separate the white stones, is the vital point of this position. ] (;W[ne] C[If White plays 2, ... ] ;B[ng] C[... Black will connect at 3. ] ;W[le] C[White must defend against the cut with 4 and ... ] ;B[jf] TR[ld] C[... Black continues the attack with 4. The marked black stone is on the vital point, depriving White of eye shape. <= ] ) (;W[me] C[Variation. White could draw back to 2. ] ;B[ng] LB[ql:C][qc:A][hd:B] C[Again, Black connects at 3. White would like to play A or B, but if she does, her stones at the top could get into trouble. On the other hand, Black is free to attack the white stones in the lower right with a pincer at C. <= ] )) (;B[ne] C[Failure. Black 1 is not a good move. ] ;W[ld] C[It provokes White to play on the vital point of 2. White's stones now have more stability. <= ] ) (;B[lg] C[Failure. Pushing along the top with 1 ... ] ;W[kf];B[kg] C[... and 3. just makes White strong. ] ;W[jf] LB[hd:A] C[Black is now vulnerable at the point A. <= ] ) )