(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bc][ce][df][pq][pj][qh][qf][qe][qd][pe][od][nd][ld] AB[dc][gd][dh][dp][pd][pc][qc][oc][mb][oe][of][pf][oh] TR[dc][gd] C[Problem 36. Black to play. Because of the two marked black stones, White's three stones in the top right are in danger. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[kg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black attacks on a large scale with 1. ] ;W[jd] C[If White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[ie] TR[dc][gd] C[... Black plays 3 and, because of the presence of the two marked stones, White's stones will have a hard time living. <= ] ) (;B[kc] C[Failure. Black is thinking on a small scale when he plays 1 ... ] ;W[kd];B[jc] C[... and 3 along the third line. ] ;W[kg] TR[oh][pf][of][oe] C[When White jumps to 4, it is Black's four marked stones that are in trouble. <= ] ) )