EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W B17 C15 D14 Q3 Q10 R12 R14 R15 R16 Q15 P16 O16 M16 SETUP B D17 G16 D12 D4 Q16 Q17 R17 P17 N18 P15 P14 Q14 P12 MARK \t@D17 \t@G16 COM Problem 36. Black to play. Because of the two marked black stones, White's three stones in the top right are in danger. How should Black attack ? ENDCOM B 1 L13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black attacks on a large scale with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 L17 COM Failure. Black is thinking on a small scale when he plays 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 L16 B 3 K17 COM ... and 3 along the third line. ENDCOM W 4 L13 MARK \t@P12 \t@Q14 \t@P14 \t@P15 COM When White jumps to 4, it is Black's four marked stones that are in trouble. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 K16 COM If White jumps to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 J15 MARK \t@D17 \t@G16 COM ... Black plays 3 and, because of the presence of the two marked stones, White's stones will have a hard time living. <= ENDCOM