(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][de][lc][pb][ob][qh][qk][jq][cr][dr][dq][dp][do][ci][di][dj][ck][cl][em] AB[ec][gd][jc][qb][pc][pd][qf][qm][qp][oq][br][cq][cp][cn][bn][bl][bk][bj][cj] LB[lc:E][pb:A][ob:C][pc:B][qb:D] C[Problem 35. Black to play. After White plays the sequence from A to E, her stones at the top are not completely settled. How should Black continue ? ] ;B[oh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should cap with 1. ] ;W[le] C[If White defends her stones at the top by jumping to 2, ... ] ;B[ok] C[... a second cap at 3 is severe. ] ;W[rf] C[White attempts to live with 4 ... ] ;B[re];W[rg] C[... and 6. ] ;B[rj] C[After Black 7, ... ] ;W[qj];B[rk];W[oi];B[pi];W[ph];B[nh];W[oj];B[nj];W[ni];B[mi];W[pj];B[nk];W[ql];B[rl];W[pm];B[pl];W[mh];B[of];W[mg];B[nf];W[ri] C[... White lives in gote with the sequence to 28. ] ;B[li] C[After Black extends to 29, ... ] ;W[je] C[... White runs away with 30. ] ;B[kc] C[Black exchanges 31 ... ] ;W[lb] LB[hc:A] C[... for 32 to defend against the invasion at A, ... ] ;B[kp] C[... then maps out a large moyo in the lower right with 33. <= ] ) )