(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fd][ic][dp][kq][nq][pr][md][nc][oc][of][ng][pg][qf] AB[cf][ci][qq][pp][pn][qj][pj][pd][pc][pe][nd][ne][pf] TR[ng][of][pg][qf] C[Problem 34. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones ? ] ;B[oh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black first peeps with 1, ... ] ;W[og] (;B[ld] C[... then attacks the three white stones at the top with the clamp of 3. ] (;W[me] C[If White extends to 4, ... ] ;B[mc] C[... Black cuts at 5. If White ... ] ;W[lc];B[mb];W[lb];B[mf];W[le];B[lf];W[ke] C[... insists on saving her stones at the top with the sequence to 12, ] ;B[mh] C[... Black casts a net with 13, ... ] ;W[mg];B[lg];W[nh];B[ni] C[... trapping the white stones on the right. ] ;W[oi] C[If White cuts at 18, ... ] ;B[nj] C[... Black extends at 19 and White's stones can't get two eyes. <= ] ) (;W[lc] TR[ld] C[Variation. If White answers the marked stone with 4, ... ] ;B[me] C[... Black presses along the top with 6 ... ] ;W[mc];B[kd] C[... and 8. ] ;W[kc];B[mh] C[He then casts a net with 9, trapping the white stones. <= ] )) (;B[mf] C[Failure. Black 3 aims at both the white stones at the top and on the right, but it lacks in severity. ] ;W[nh];B[nj];W[lh];B[mc] C[When Black cuts at 7, ... ] ;W[mb] C[... White can live at the top with 8 ... ] ;B[lc];W[lb] C[... and 10. White's stones are now safe. <= ] ) )