(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][qq][nr][nq][mp][no][nn][on][om][ol][ql][nk][ln][lo][kn][ko][jo][jp][kp][ip][ho][go][dp] AB[fc][kc][qd][qi][pp][ro][pn][oq][or][nm][mm][lm][km][jn][in][mn][mo][gq][hq][jq][kq][lq][lp] TR[go][ho][ip][jp][jo][ko][kp][lo][ln][kn] C[Problem 33. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones ? ] ;B[gm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black attacks with 1, ... ] ;W[eo] C[... and White must defend with 2. ] (;B[dr] C[Black 3 is now the key move. ] ;W[dl] LB[el:A] C[White must defend by playing around 4. I f White neglects to play here, Black A will be severe. ] ;B[lj] C[Black now switches his attack to the right with 5 ... ] ;W[ni];B[lh] C[... and 7. The white stones on the right are in danger and Black is building a moyo in the center. <= ] ) (;B[el] LB[eo:2] C[Failure. After White 2, Black 3 looks like a strong move, but ... ] ;W[eq] C[... White will attack the black stones at the bottom with 4 ... ] ;B[fr];W[er] LB[jl:B][ir:A] C[... and 6. White A now threatens to kill them, so Black must defend in gote. White's stones on the left are secure, so she can attack with a peep at B. <= ] ) )