EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 R3 O2 O3 N4 O5 O6 P6 P7 P8 R8 O9 M6 M5 L6 L5 K5 K4 L4 J4 H5 G5 D4 SETUP B F17 L17 R16 R11 Q4 S5 Q6 P3 P2 O7 N7 M7 L7 K6 J6 N6 N5 G3 H3 K3 L3 M3 M4 MARK \t@G5 \t@H5 \t@J4 \t@K4 \t@K5 \t@L5 \t@L4 \t@M5 \t@M6 \t@L6 COM Problem 33. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones ? ENDCOM B 1 G7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black attacks with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 E5 COM ... and White must defend with 2. ENDCOM B 3 D2 COM Black 3 is now the key move. ENDCOM VAR B 3 E8 MARK 2@E5 COM Failure. After White 2, Black 3 looks like a strong move, but ... ENDCOM W 4 E3 COM ... White will attack the black stones at the bottom with 4 ... ENDCOM B 5 F2 W 6 E2 MARK B@K8 A@J2 COM ... and 6. White A now threatens to kill them, so Black must defend in gote. White's stones on the left are secure, so she can attack with a peep at B. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 D8 MARK A@E8 COM White must defend by playing around 4. I f White neglects to play here, Black A will be severe. ENDCOM B 5 M10 COM Black now switches his attack to the right with 5 ... ENDCOM W 6 O11 B 7 M12 COM ... and 7. The white stones on the right are in danger and Black is building a moyo in the center. <= ENDCOM