EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C14 E14 G14 R6 S4 R17 R16 R14 O17 N16 SETUP B D16 F16 D11 D4 K4 Q4 O4 Q16 P17 O16 N17 M17 O15 MARK \t@G14 COM Problem 32. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 G11 MARK \t@Q16 \t@P17 \t@O16 \t@O15 \t@N17 \t@M17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The marked stones are thick, so Black should jump to 1 and drive the white stones toward that strong position. ENDCOM VAR B 1 H16 COM Failure. Black 1 is overly defensive. ENDCOM W 2 F11 MARK \t@D11 COM White will immediately take the initiative and attack the marked stone with 2. With his thick position at the top, Black's territory is overconcentrated. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 H15 B 3 H17 W 4 K15 B 5 K11 COM White will probably live in gote, but Black is satisfied with the moyo he has staked out at the bottom. <= ENDCOM