(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cc][fc][dp][cn][qq][rr][oq][or][nr][qn][pn][qk] AB[bd][cf][ci][fq][jp][mr][nq][np][pp][op][qo][ro][qi][pd] TR[qk][pn][qn] C[Problem 31. Black to play. How can Black use his thickness to attack the marked white stones ? ] (;B[oj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The knight's moves of Black 1 .. ] ;W[ol];B[mk] LB[kd:a] C[... and 3 are severe. White's stones can live, but Black will have built up influence in the center. He can then stake out a moyo by extending to A. <= ] ) (;B[ok] C[Failure. Capping at 1 is ineffective because Black is not using his thickness below. ] ;W[pj] C[White breaks through Black's position with 2, and Black is left without a good follow-up move. <= ] ) )