(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][fq][qn][qj][md][nc][oc] AB[dd][dj][cn][dp][pp][nq][pc][pd][nd][ne][pf] C[Problem 30. Black to play. Black's position in the upper right is thick, while White's stones at the top are thin. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[kd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point in this position. Next ... ] (;W[me] C[Pushing up with 2 is only natural, but ... ] ;B[mf] C[... Black blocks with 3, ... ] (;W[le] C[... forcing White to turn with 4. ] ;B[lb] C[Next, Black peeps with 5 and ... ] ;W[mc] TR[fc] C[... White's stones are left heavy and separated from the marked one on the left. White is in trouble. See Problem 136 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;W[ke] C[Variation. If White attaches at 4, ... ] ;B[le] C[... Black will wedge in at 5. ] ;W[ld];B[lf];W[kc];B[jd];W[jc];B[id];W[ic];B[hd];W[hc];B[gd] C[The sequence to 15 is inevitable. White has secured the top, but Black's thickness in the center is strategically overwhelming. <= ] )) (;W[le] C[Variation. The diagonal move of White 2 is another possibility. ] ;B[lb] C[Again Black peeps with 3. ] ;W[mc];B[ke] C[After exchanging 5 ... ] ;W[lf] C[... for 6, ... ] ;B[lh] TR[fc] C[... Black caps with 7. If the fight spreads to the left, the marked stone will be weakened. <= ] ) (;W[kb] C[Variation. If White slides to 2, ... ] ;B[jc] C[... Black will force White to run along the second line. ] ;W[jb];B[ic];W[ib];B[hc];W[hb];B[gc];W[gb];B[fd];W[ec];B[ed] C[After the sequence to 13, Black's wall in the center is superior to White's territory at the top. <= ] )) (;B[me] C[Failure. Turning at 1 is not a good move ... ] ;W[ld] C[... because White is able to make territory by running on the fourth line ... ] ;B[le];W[kd];B[ke];W[jd] TR[fc] C[... and the marked stone works well in protecting White's left flank. Moreover, the two white stones on the right side neutralises Black's wall. <= ] ) )