(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][qq][nr][nq][mp][no][nn][on][om][ol][nk][ql][lo][dp][go][ip][jp][kp] AB[fc][kc][qd][qi][pp][oq][or][pn][ro][nm][mm][mn][mo][lp][lq][kq][jq][hq][gq] TR[lo][mo][mn][mm][nm] C[Problem 29. Black to play. Black's marked stones are in danger, and he can't capture the marked white one because the ladder is unfavourable. What should Black do ? ] ;B[ko] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should atari with 1, ... ] ;W[ln];B[km] C[... then cast a net with 3. ] ;W[kn];B[jn];W[jo] LB[ko:1] C[White can capture the stone at 1, but ... ] ;B[lm] C[... she gets squeezed in the sequence to 7. ] ;W[ko] C[After White 8, ... ] ;B[in] C[... Black makes good shape with 9 and ends in sente, ... ] ;W[ho] C[... since White is forced to connect at 10. <= ] ) )