(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dd][cf][cg][cn][dp][nq][mr][ns][or][pr][qq][qc][qd][qf][rf][jd][ke][jf][lg] AB[dg][di][fq][lq][mq][np][pp][pn][pc][pd][pe][og][qh][db][fc][ic][id][ie][je] TR[jd][ke][jf][lg] C[Problem 27. Black to play. White has played lightly with the marked stones. How should Black attack them ? ] (;B[li] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is the best way to attack. ] ;W[jh];B[jj] C[White will probably live, but, even if she does, Black will build a large moyo below while attacking, and White will get minimum territory. <= ] ) (;B[kd] C[Failure. If Black cuts at 1, ... ] ;W[ld] C[... White ataris at 2 and ... ] ;B[kc];W[le];B[lc];W[jh] C[... makes eye shape with the sequence to 6. White will now have no trouble making a living group in the center and Black has no prospects of making a moyo. <= ] ) (;B[kf] TR[jd][ke] C[Failure. Black can capture the two marked stones by cutting at 1, but ... ] ;W[kg];B[lf];W[mf];B[le];W[me] C[... White can force with the sequence to 6, then ... ] ;B[ld];W[nh] LB[md:A] C[... make shape with the knight's move of 8. White should have no trouble getting eyes for her group. It is now her privilege to play at A and Black's three stones at the top are in danger of being cut off. <= ] ) )