(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][dc][ce][nd][pc][qc][qf][pg][pj][pk][pl][mk][qm][rm][rn][qn][ro][rp][qq][qr] AB[ec][ed][jd][pd][qe][pf][qg][qh][qi][qj][ql][rl][sm][pq][pp][qo][pn][pm][jp][dp] TR[mk][pj][pk][pl] C[Problem 24. Black to play. White's marked stones are vulnerable, but Black's stones at the top are also thin. What should Black do ? ] ;B[kk] TR[pl][pj][pk][mk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should first go after the marked white stones on the right by capping with 1, ... ] ;W[mi];B[ki] C[... drive them towards the top with 3 ... ] ;W[mg];B[kg] C[... and 5. ] ;W[me];B[df] LB[me:6] C[After White 6, Black puts pressure on the white stones on the left with 7 ... ] ;W[cf];B[dg] C[... and 9. ] ;W[cg];B[di];W[dh];B[eh];W[ch];B[ei] C[With 15, Black ends in gote, but his stones on the top are no longer thin and he has built a moyo in the center. Black has an overwhelming advantage. <= ] ) )