(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][nq][kq][ko][eq][dp][dn] AB[pd][pi][oo][qo][pq][iq][fq][fp] TR[pi] C[Problem 23. White to play. Black has stakes out a moyo on the right side with the marked stone. What should White do ? [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 138"] ] ;W[io] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should cap with 1. ] ;B[fn] C[If Black jumps to 2, ... ] ;W[go] C[... White will peep with 3, ... ] ;B[fo];W[dl] C[... then jump to 5, staking out territory on the left side. Black's stones are heavy and Black must continue to defend them. <= ] ) )