EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D15 D12 C9 G3 K3 R4 Q4 R2 Q3 O4 R18 P17 O16 SETUP B C7 C4 E3 R3 S2 S3 S4 R6 R10 Q14 R16 N17 M16 E17 H17 MARK \t@O16 \t@P17 \t@R18 COM Problem 21. Black to play. The position in the top right arose from a basic joseki. How should Black attack the marked stones ? ENDCOM B 1 Q16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 may seem like a strange move, but it is quite effective. ENDCOM VAR B 1 O14 COM Failure. Black 1 is slack. ENDCOM W 2 S17 B 3 S16 W 4 O18 MARK A@N15 COM White can secure her stones with the sequence to 4, and Black's territory on the right side is not as secure as it was in the Correct Answer. White is now threatening to keep Black's positions separated by moving into the center with A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 P18 COM White 2 is an important defensive point, but ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 S17 COM If White tries to get more room in the corner with 2, ENDCOM B 3 Q18 COM ... Black will attach at 3, then ... ENDCOM W 4 Q17 B 5 R17 W 6 P18 B 7 S18 W 8 Q19 B 9 S19 COM ... take the corner for himself with the sequence to 9. ENDCOM W 10 O14 COM White still doesn't have two eyes, so she must escape with 10. ENDCOM B 11 N15 COM After 11, ... ENDCOM W 12 O15 B 13 Q12 MARK A@P18 COM ... Black secures the right side with 12. This result is similar to the previous variation (White 2 at A). <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 S17 W 4 O14 B 5 N15 W 6 O15 B 7 Q12 COM ... Black secures the right side with the sequence to 7. <= ENDCOM