(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][dp][jp][kd][nc][qg][qf][qd][qc][qb][pb] AB[id][ob][oc][pc][nd][pd][pe][pg][ph][pj][lp][pp] TR[kd] C[Problem 19. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stone ? ] (;B[jf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play the knight's move of 1. ] ;W[lf] C[If White runs away with 2, ... ] ;B[kh] TR[pj][ph][pg][pe][pd][pc][ob][oc][nd] C[... Black drives White into his marked stones with 3. White's stones are lost. <= ] ) (;B[kf] C[Failure. Capping with Black 1 is a terrible move. ] ;W[je] C[White moves out into the center with the diagonal move of 2. ] ;B[ig] C[If Black 3, ... ] ;W[ie] TR[id] C[... White plays 4 and neutralises the marked stone. Black has suffered a big loss. <= ] ) )