EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D4 K4 L16 O17 R13 R14 R16 R17 R18 Q18 SETUP B J16 P18 P17 Q17 O16 Q16 Q15 Q13 Q12 Q10 M4 Q4 MARK \t@L16 COM Problem 19. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stone ? ENDCOM B 1 K14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play the knight's move of 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 L14 COM Failure. Capping with Black 1 is a terrible move. ENDCOM W 2 K15 COM White moves out into the center with the diagonal move of 2. ENDCOM B 3 J13 COM If Black 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 J15 MARK \t@J16 COM ... White plays 4 and neutralises the marked stone. Black has suffered a big loss. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 M14 COM If White runs away with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 L12 MARK \t@Q10 \t@Q12 \t@Q13 \t@Q15 \t@Q16 \t@Q17 \t@P18 \t@P17 \t@O16 COM ... Black drives White into his marked stones with 3. White's stones are lost. <= ENDCOM