(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[kc][rc][qd][qe][pf][pg][qh][pp][qo][nq][bp][cn][ck] AB[dc][ce][ic][qb][qc][oc][pd][pe][of][jq][dp][cq][fq] TR[kc] C[Problem 16. Black to play. How can Black use his wall on the right side to attack the marked white stone ? ] (;B[je] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The knight's move of Black 1 is the most effective way to attack. The white stone at the top is now in a pinch. ] (;W[ke] C[Trying to break out into the center with White 2 seems reasonable, but ... ] ;B[kf];W[le];B[lf];W[ne];B[oe];W[mf];B[mg];W[ib];B[hb];W[jb];B[hc] C[... Black can confine White to the top with the sequence to 13. ] ;W[mc];B[nb];W[mb] LB[mc:14] C[White barely lives in gote with 14 and 16, but ... ] ;B[dj] C[... Black can now build a moyo in the center with the shoulder hit of 16. <= ] ) (;W[le] C[Variation. Against the knight's move of White 2, ] ;B[ld] C[... Black attaches at 3. He then ... ] ;W[kd];B[ke];W[md];B[lf];W[lc];B[mf] LB[dj:A] C[... sacrifices this stone and confines White to the top with the sequence to 9. The white stones are alive, but just like in the Correct Answer, Black gets a thick wall and he can then create a moyo by attacking the white stone on the left with a shoulder hit at A. <= ] ) (;W[jd] C[Variation. The diagonal attachment of White 2 is not good. After ... ] ;B[id];W[ke];B[kf];W[jf];B[ie];W[lf];B[kg];W[le];B[lg] C[... Black 11, White can't live because there are no defects in Black's position to exploit. <= ] )) (;B[ie] C[Failure. Jumping out into the center with Black looks like a normal move, but it is slack. ] ;W[ke] C[White jumps to 2, and Black doesn't have a good follow-up, so White's stones have escaped. <= ] ) (;B[jd] C[Failure. The diagonal move of Black 1 is also slack. ] ;W[le];B[jf];W[lg] LB[le:2] C[After 2 and 4, White's stones are out in the center. ] ) (;B[ke] C[Failure. Capping is another common attacking technique, but, after Black caps with 1, ... ] ;W[jd] C[... White escapes ... ] ;B[if];W[je];B[jf];W[hd];B[hc];W[gd];B[gc];W[hf];B[hg];W[gf] LB[kf:A] C[... with the sequence to 12. Black has failed to make any significant gains, and White has the cut at A to exploit. <= ] ) )