EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W L17 S17 R16 R15 Q14 Q13 R12 Q4 R5 O3 B4 C6 C9 SETUP B D17 C15 J17 R18 R17 P17 Q16 Q15 P14 K3 D4 C3 F3 MARK \t@L17 COM Problem 16. Black to play. How can Black use his wall on the right side to attack the marked white stone ? ENDCOM B 1 K15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The knight's move of Black 1 is the most effective way to attack. The white stone at the top is now in a pinch. ENDCOM VAR B 1 J15 COM Failure. Jumping out into the center with Black looks like a normal move, but it is slack. ENDCOM W 2 L15 COM White jumps to 2, and Black doesn't have a good follow-up, so White's stones have escaped. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 K16 COM Failure. The diagonal move of Black 1 is also slack. ENDCOM W 2 M15 B 3 K14 W 4 M13 MARK 2@M15 COM After 2 and 4, White's stones are out in the center. ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 L15 COM Failure. Capping is another common attacking technique, but, after Black caps with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 K16 COM ... White escapes ... ENDCOM B 3 J14 W 4 K15 B 5 K14 W 6 H16 B 7 H17 W 8 G16 B 9 G17 W 10 H14 B 11 H13 W 12 G14 MARK A@L14 COM ... with the sequence to 12. Black has failed to make any significant gains, and White has the cut at A to exploit. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L15 COM Trying to break out into the center with White 2 seems reasonable, but ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 M15 COM Variation. Against the knight's move of White 2, ENDCOM B 3 M16 COM ... Black attaches at 3. He then ... ENDCOM W 4 L16 B 5 L15 W 6 N16 B 7 M14 W 8 M17 B 9 N14 MARK A@D10 COM ... sacrifices this stone and confines White to the top with the sequence to 9. The white stones are alive, but just like in the Correct Answer, Black gets a thick wall and he can then create a moyo by attacking the white stone on the left with a shoulder hit at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 2 K16 COM Variation. The diagonal attachment of White 2 is not good. After ... ENDCOM B 3 J16 W 4 L15 B 5 L14 W 6 K14 B 7 J15 W 8 M14 B 9 L13 W 10 M15 B 11 M13 COM ... Black 11, White can't live because there are no defects in Black's position to exploit. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 L14 W 4 M15 B 5 M14 W 6 O15 B 7 P15 W 8 N14 B 9 N13 W 10 J18 B 11 H18 W 12 K18 B 13 H17 COM ... Black can confine White to the top with the sequence to 13. ENDCOM W 14 N17 B 15 O18 W 16 N18 MARK 14@N17 COM White barely lives in gote with 14 and 16, but ... ENDCOM B 17 D10 COM ... Black can now build a moyo in the center with the shoulder hit of 16. <= ENDCOM