(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dd][cf][dp][dn][jp][mp][pf][qf][qi] AB[db][fc][ic][qe][pd][nd][pq][po][qk][ok] TR[dn] C[Problem 14. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone, leaving her three stones in the upper right to fend for themselves. How should Black attack them ? ] (;B[oi] LB[rh:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the best way to attack in this position. Black now aims at A. ] ;W[nf] C[White escapes into the center with 2, ... ] ;B[og] C[... Black peeps with 3, then ... ] ;W[of];B[ld] C[... defends the territory at the top with 5. This is a basic example of how to secure territory while attacking. White's stones on the right are still vulnerable. <= ] ) (;B[nf] C[Failure. Attacking with Black 1 and ... ] ;W[oi];B[mi] C[... 3 is in the wrong direction. Black's aim is to build a moyo towards the left, but ... ] ;W[rk];B[rl];W[rj] LB[jd:A] C[... White secures her stones with the sequence to 6, leaving the black stones in the lower right thin. Next, White can aim at the shoulder hit of A to reduce Black's moyo. <= ] ) )