EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D18 E18 E16 F16 G16 M17 R14 R11 Q7 R6 Q5 D4 D10 SETUP B C18 B17 D17 D16 E15 F15 G17 O17 Q16 R16 R8 R5 R4 Q3 O3 MARK A@R8 \t@R14 COM Problem 13. White to play. Black has invaded at A. How should White respond ? Note the presence of the marked White stone. [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 137"] ENDCOM W 1 S7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 prevents Black from linking up to his stones. ENDCOM B 2 S10 COM If Black 2, White plays on top with 3 and ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 Q10 COM Variation. Instead of trying to live on the side, Black might play on the outside with 2 here. ENDCOM W 3 R10 B 4 R9 W 5 S9 MARK 3@R10 COM But after White 3 and 5, Black is left with three burdensome stones which can be easily attacked. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 R10 B 4 S11 COM ... Black crawls with 4. ENDCOM W 5 R12 COM White 5 is now the key move, ... ENDCOM VAR W 5 R9 MARK 4@S11 COM Failure. After Black 4 in the Correct Answer, White should not draw back to 5 here. ENDCOM B 6 R12 COM Black would then hane at 6 and ... ENDCOM W 7 Q12 B 8 R13 W 9 Q13 B 10 S14 W 11 Q14 B 12 S13 COM ... link up his stones with ones above with the sequence to 12. Black's invasion has succeeded. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 6 R9 COM ... forcing Black to come back to correct the defect in his position by playing 6, but ... ENDCOM W 7 P9 MARK \t@S7 COM ... White confines the black stones with the knight's move of 7. Since White 1 (the marked stone) is on the vital point, Black's stones have no chance of making two eyes. <= ENDCOM