EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 D3 C5 C6 Q5 L12 N12 O11 O12 P12 Q12 Q14 R14 R11 R10 SETUP B D6 D8 Q3 L17 O16 Q16 R15 O13 R12 Q11 P11 O9 Q9 R9 S10 S11 MARK \t@Q5 COM Problem 12. Black to play. White has invaded inside Black's sphere of influence with the marked stone. How should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 Q4 MARK \t@Q5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Bumping against the white stone with Black 1 is the strongest move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 O4 COM Failure. The knight's move of Black 1 is the standard response to the white approach move, but ... ENDCOM W 2 R3 B 3 R2 W 4 O5 B 5 N5 W 6 Q2 COM ... White can make sabaki with the sequence to 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R4 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 N5 COM ... White will jump to 2. Either way, Black's thickness above has been neutralised. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R5 B 3 S4 W 4 O5 COM The sequence to 4 can be expected. Next, ... ENDCOM B 5 N4 COM ... Black stakes out the territory at the bottom with 5. ENDCOM VAR B 5 N3 MARK @@N4 COM Caution. Black 5 (@) in the Correct Answer is an important move. Black must not play 5 on the third line because ... ENDCOM W 6 P8 B 7 P9 W 8 M5 MARK A@M3 COM ... White can jump to 8 and her stones are savely out in the open. Moreover, White is threatening the attachment at A, so Black might have to defend against it. ENDCOM ENDVAR W 6 P8 COM White's stones are still insecure, so she has to escape into the center. She peeps with 6, then ... ENDCOM B 7 P9 W 8 M6 COM ... jumps to 8. ENDCOM B 9 M4 COM Black calmly defends with 8. ENDCOM W 10 M8 B 11 M9 W 12 L8 B 13 M11 W 14 M12 B 15 L9 W 16 K8 COM With 16, White is out into the center, but ... ENDCOM B 17 J10 COM ... Black 17 keeps the white stones above and below separated. <= ENDCOM