(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cp][cn][dq][eq][qn][qk][nc][kd] AB[ep][fq][fp][jp][pq][qp][qi][pd][pc] LB[pc:B][nc:A][kd:C] C[Problem 11. Black to play. White has just extended to C. How should Black continue ? ] ;B[on] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should cap at 1, ... ] ;W[ok] C[... forcing White to jump to 2. ] ;B[oi] C[This induces Black to reinforce his moyo above with 3. ] ;W[mk] C[Jumping to 4 is natural. ] ;B[ic] C[Black now invades the top with 5. ] (;W[gc] C[White has to play forcefully and pincer with 6. ] ;B[ie];W[jc] C[If White attaches with 8, ... ] ;B[jb];W[kb];B[jd];W[kc];B[ke];W[le];B[kf];W[lf];B[lg] C[... Black presses the white stones with the sequence to 17. ] ;W[ne] C[White then makes shape with 18 and ... ] ;B[of] C[... Black secures the upper right with 19. <= ] ) (;W[je] LB[ic:5] C[Variation. White 6 here is another response to Black 5. ] ;B[he] C[Black jumps to 7 and ... ] ;W[gc] C[... White pincers with 8. ] ;B[gd];W[fc];B[hc] LB[gd:9] C[Black makes shape with 9 and 11, after which ... ] ;W[de];B[ig];W[kg];B[ii] LB[ig:13] C[... Black attacks with 13 and 15. ] (;W[ki] C[After White 16, ... ] ;B[ne] C[... Black secures the territory on the right with 17. <= ] ) (;W[ne] C[If White 12 here, ... ] ;B[of] C[... Black will play 17 here. <= ] )) )