(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][nc][kc][ok][qk][ro][jq][cq][dp][fp] AB[pd][pc][qi][oi][po][pq][lq][bp][cn][ck] TR[ro] C[Problem 9. Black to play. White has just slid under Black's corner enclosure with the marked stone. How should Black attack White's position on the right ? ] (;B[qn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 and ... ] ;W[rn] (;B[rm] C[... 3 stop White from making eyeshape. ] (;W[rl];B[qm];W[sm] LB[rq:A][pk:B][rl:4] C[White links up with 4 and 6, but even if she jumps to A, she doesn't have two eyes yet. Black is also threatening to wedge in with B. <= ] ) (;W[qm] TR[rm] C[Variation. When Black blocks with the marked stone, White might cut with 4. But ... ] ;B[ql];W[pm];B[rk];W[pl];B[rl] C[... Black can link up to his allies above with the sequence to 9. White is now split into two weak groups. <= ] )) (;B[qm] LB[rm:@] C[Failure. The hane @ in the Correct Answer is the key move. It is a mistake for Black to extend to 3. ] ;W[rm];B[ql];W[rl];B[rk];W[rj];B[pk];W[qj];B[pj];W[ri] C[White can live with the sequence to 12 and Black's moyo in the upper right has been erased. <= ] )) (;B[rq] C[Failure. Black 1 lets White ... ] ;W[qm] C[... settle her group with 2. White now has nothing to worry about. ] ) (;B[qp] C[Failure. Black 1 here is also bad. ] ;W[qm] C[White responds with 2. <= ] ) )