EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 O17 L17 P9 R9 S5 K3 C3 D4 F4 SETUP B Q16 Q17 R11 P11 Q5 Q3 M3 B4 C6 C9 MARK \t@S5 COM Problem 9. Black to play. White has just slid under Black's corner enclosure with the marked stone. How should Black attack White's position on the right ? ENDCOM B 1 R6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 and ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 S3 COM Failure. Black 1 lets White ... ENDCOM W 2 R7 COM ... settle her group with 2. White now has nothing to worry about. ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R4 COM Failure. Black 1 here is also bad. ENDCOM W 2 R7 COM White responds with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 S6 B 3 S7 COM ... 3 stop White from making eyeshape. ENDCOM VAR B 3 R7 MARK @@S7 COM Failure. The hane @ in the Correct Answer is the key move. It is a mistake for Black to extend to 3. ENDCOM W 4 S7 B 5 R8 W 6 S8 B 7 S9 W 8 S10 B 9 Q9 W 10 R10 B 11 Q10 W 12 S11 COM White can live with the sequence to 12 and Black's moyo in the upper right has been erased. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 S8 VAR W 4 R7 MARK \t@S7 COM Variation. When Black blocks with the marked stone, White might cut with 4. But ... ENDCOM B 5 R8 W 6 Q7 B 7 S9 W 8 Q8 B 9 S8 COM ... Black can link up to his allies above with the sequence to 9. White is now split into two weak groups. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 5 R7 W 6 T7 MARK A@S3 B@Q9 4@S8 COM White links up with 4 and 6, but even if she jumps to A, she doesn't have two eyes yet. Black is also threatening to wedge in with B. <= ENDCOM