(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][cp][eq][qj] AB[oq][qp][pd][qh][ql] TR[qj] C[Problem 7. Black to play. The marked white stone on the right is isolated within Black's stronghold. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[oj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is severe. What happens if White tries to escape ? ] ;W[pi] C[The diagonal move of 2 on the right is White's best chance, since Black is weaker there. ] (;B[nh] C[But Black continues to attack with the knight's move of 3. ] ;W[ph];B[qg];W[pg] LB[ph:4] C[White must now push with 4 and 6, ... ] ;B[qf] LB[qg:5] C[... inducing Black to play 5 and 7. ] ;W[ng];B[mg];W[nf];B[pf];W[of];B[mf];W[nd];B[ld] C[After the sequence to 15, White's stones are still in trouble. For Black's part, he has strengthened his stones in the upper right and built influence in the center. In contrast, White has gained nothing. <= ] ) (;B[ph] TR[oj] C[Wrong answer. Capping with the marked stone is a good move, but to continue by pushing up with 3 ... ] ;W[oi];B[oh] C[... and 5 is the wrong direction. ] ;W[ni] LB[qc:A] C[White escapes into the center with 6. Black's territory in the upper left is still not secure, since a 3-3 point invasion at A still remains. <= ] )) (;B[pi] C[Wrong answer. The diagonal move of Black 1 is bad. ] ;W[pj];B[oj];W[pl];B[qm];W[ok];B[nj] C[The sequence continues to Black 7, but ... ] ;W[ml] C[... White's stones have made it into the open when she plays the knight's move of 8. Black has made little progress with his moves. <= ] ) )